Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday: Top Five Books & Songs

We honor the birthday, and legacy, of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a special collection of books and songs that speak to his influence in the Civil Rights Movement, chosen by our Buy Guy, Steve Leach.

Parting the Waters and the other two volumes of the America in the King Years trilogy, Pillar of Fire and At Canaan’s Edge, by Taylor Branch— This masterwork tells the whole story, keeps the huge cast of characters distinct and fully-formed, and throughout its 2,700-plus pages kept me mesmerized and dumbfounded that all of it happened during my lifetime.

Parting the Waters and the other two volumes of the America in the King Years trilogy, Pillar of Fire and At Canaan’s Edge, by Taylor Branch— This masterwork tells the whole story, keeps the huge cast of characters distinct and fully-formed, and throughout its 2,700-plus pages kept me mesmerized and dumbfounded that all of it happened during my lifetime.

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20 Books and Movies for Fans of Manga and Anime

Half Price Books recently launched reviews on and we have loved seeing everything our bibliomaniacs are reading and reviewing! Check out some of the manga and anime your fellow booklovers are enjoying now.

Gunslinger Girl Omnibus Collection 2

“I first saw the anime for this series before reading the manga, there is more back story in these and you learn a lot more about the characters then what was in the anime. No real surprise there but the story does really get you thinking about some of the sides of the world most people choose not to see. I highly recommend the manga series.”



Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me To You,

Vol. 1: From Me To You
“Kimi Ni Todoke is an award-winning manga series that spans 30 volumes. Do not let its length discourage you. It is an endearing series about acceptance. I highly recommend this series to manga readers that enjoy a realistic story focusing on relationships and dreams. The characters are the best part of the series–anyone can identify them. I have read the series multiple times; it never gets old. Treat yourself to a longer reading experience and binge on the shojo manga staple, Kimi Ni Todoke!”

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How to Enter the #SummerReading Daily Giveaway

Our Feed Your Brain Summer Reading Program has gone virtual! This summer join us for 15 minutes a day to keep up an appetite for reading, and review your favorite books at for a chance to win a $50 HPB Gift Card. One lucky reviewer will win each day from June 1-14.

Ready to enter the giveaway? Follow the steps below to enter.

1. Read a book

2. Go to and find the title you read


3. Click the “Write a Review” linkReviewContest1

4. Make sure to include the #SummerReading Hashtag


5. Write reviews daily for more chances to win!

Restrictions apply. See details.



23 Must-Read Books for Fans of High Fantasy, Twilight, D&D and More!

Dragons, magic, rabbit holes, medieval battles and vampires, OH MY! In recent weeks, fans of the fantasy genre have been thrilled to get their hands on a new book set in The Hunger Games universe, and excited for an announcement of a new Twilight novel to come. If you, like me, have already finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and are looking for your next read while waiting for Midnight Sun, look no further! Check out some of the fantasy novels other booklovers just like you are recommending on


The Starless Sea
“Like an adult Alice in Wonderland. Such an adventure from start to finish. Really captivating and unique, like an adult version of Alice in Wonderland. There’s mystery and romance and fantasy…really good for anyone who likes any sort of genre book! Definitely a new favorite.” Continue reading


We are all dealing with the current global pandemic in different ways. Whether you are looking for books about pandemics or diseases to get more details, or you are seeking novels to help escape our current reality, Half Price Books has you covered. We recently launched Reviews on our website and customers have been sharing their thoughts on their current quarantine reads. Check out some of the books that our customers have been reading during their quarantine!

Books Customers Recommended to Relax and Escape Reality:

The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto
“I keep giving my copy away! Mesmerizing! The value of goodness, gratitude & love captured my water. Perfect read for Covid-19 isolation.”

9780743289801_ed208 Continue reading


Half Price Books recently launched Reviews on our website, where customers can leave their thoughts on books, movies and music to help other shoppers choose their next great read, watch or listen. We are happy to report that we have received thousands of reviews from people just like you! Overall, the responses have made us laugh, cry and definitely want to sink our teeth into some fantastic books, movies and music. Below we’ve compiled a list of 12 books that have earned five star ratings from our customers, making them the ever-coveted “Must Read”!

World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War  by Max Brooks


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A Bestseller Flashback: 2019 in Books

Editor’s Note: Our buyers hand select new bestsellers that are sold in our stores. It is our pleasure to present a closer look at our favorite Buyer’s Picks from 2019!


Golden State (Ben Winters)

This book is set in future America where lies are criminalized. The main character is a detective whose job it is to seek out lies being told within his community. Through an investigation of a woman’s death, he uncovers a separate conspiracy within the government. It’s fast paced, well written and I couldn’t put it down – especially through the second half. I highly recommend it for fellow lovers of thrillers – especially those of us who are growing a bit tired of the wife/husband theme that is popular right now. You’re really going to love this book! Continue reading

Books That Help You Escape from Family This Holiday Season

It’s the holidays, and we all know what that means—lots of fun, quality family time that you’ve been craving! Just kidding; it’s the worst. If, like me, you’re also looking to hide from Uncle Joe’s long, boring rants about how he used to walk up hill both ways to school (“IN A BLIZZARD”) or Aunt Margery’s alcohol-fueled desire to know the intimate details of your family planning (“WHEN ARE YOU HAVING KIDS?!”), I have just the thing for you. Books! Glorious books! The rather annoying aspects of family obligations absolutely disappear as I stick my nose into a book. Read on to discover which books are sure to help you escape from family this holiday season. Best of luck, and God speed.

Books That People Claim to Have Read, But Are Afraid to Discuss

Book Snatch

These kinds of books are the ones that people like to have claimed to have read to appear intelligent. Books under this category include Crime and Punishment, Dune, Lord of the Rings, War and Peace, Outliers, A Brief History of Time, The Da Vinci Code and Ulysses. These are the tried and true, a mix of non-fiction and fiction, just to give you a variety to choose from. These are the books that help you grow, are highly entertaining or educational and, as an added bonus, they are great to tick off that must-read list.

Pros: Your obnoxious cousin who is always trying to seem better than you will not want to talk about any of these books if they haven’t read them or have lied about having read them and will leave you alone. Also, you could be expanding your mind and exploring a masterpiece of literature that takes time and BOY— do you have time to waste this holiday by not talking to family!

Cons: Your obnoxious cousin who is always trying to seem better than you might have actually picked up one of these thicc books and will proceed to talk at you about how quickly they read it and how slow you are at reading, “right Grandma?”

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